Become an Avon Sales Leader
A fabulous multi-level-marketing opportunity that allows you to build a team of representatives.

Earn More
With Avon Sales Leadership the more you put into your business the more you will get out.
Avon offers excellent incentives on your Sales Leadership journey including the amazing 'Builder Business Bonus' and Mentor Bonus to help get your business off to the best start.
As you build your team you could earn commission from between 3% - 8% of your total team sales as well as a team bonus between 1% - 4.5%.
As an Avon Sales Leader, you can qualify for some great incentives including; All inclusive holidays, cars and VIP gala dinner events. You could receive incredible rewards as an Avon Sales Leader, my only regret is that I didn't do it sooner!

Exciting Opportunity
Sales Leadership gave me the opportunity to build my team around my existing employment. I was able to work the hours I wanted, when I wanted.
I never dreamed that I would be in the position to leave full time employment and become my own boss. Less than 12 months later I was in a financial position to do so thanks to Avon, Sales Leadership and my commitment.

Training & Support
You will receive full training and support to be able to build your own team of Avon Representatives across the UK.
You can build your team locally and nationally, face to face and online. If you are motivated, ambitious and hard working then Sales Leadership could be for you. It can be challenging but very rewarding and in return the pay plan will reward you for your efforts.